Finger Lakes Family Fun vol. XV1, No. 2
June - August 2005

In this issue...

Kiddisphere The publisher's column
   4...By Heidi Leib-Graney
Art Start Inspiring the artist in children of every age
   4...By Loretta Louviere
News & Notes Local highlights & happenings
   4...By Ithaca Child
Summer Camp Guide What'll you do this summer
   5...By TC Youth Services Dept. and Ithaca Child
Kidspeak  In which kids give us the answers
   8...By Kathy Morris
Out and About  Close to home science expeditions
 19...By Sue Smith-Heavenrich
Different Strokes  Sisters demonstrate their own personalities
 21...By Rick Epstein

Family Astronomy The Constellations of Winter, Part III
 22...By Larry Klaes
By Kids, For Kids Dedicated to creative writing
 23...By Esty Schachter
The Fabulous Lynda Barry Comics and comment in an inimitable mix
 24...By Lynda Barry

Ag Education Freeville Family hosts annual Farm City Day
 25...By Debbie Teeter
Survival Story Rare woodpecker makes an appearance
 26...By Pat Leonard

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